Shutter Speed!
Why Does Shutter Speed Make a Difference? Why use the Shutter setting on your camera Vs. the Manual setting on your camera? Well in Digital Photography I, we learned that Shutter Speed can either stop motion or blur motion. This past Weekend I went upstate New York and decided to stop at Kaaterskill Falls right outside of Hunter, NY. While shooting the falls I wanted to give the photo the appearance of fast moving, flowing water. So I took two shots, one shot was on Manual at a normal shutter speed to capture the people standing on the middle ledge to give a size comparison to show how big the falls really are, but it stopped the water mid movement and did not look the way I wanted it to. I then switched my camera to the Shutter control setting and slowed down my shutter speed and retook the photo and "Wah-La" the water looked smooth, flowing and just majestic. I had given it the look I was going for. You can tell the difference Shutter Speed made with this landscape shot. Below is another of my examples of shooting moving water at a slow shutter speed.
absolutely stunning, as usual!