Something Old But New
Recently I have obtained an old Kodak Brownie Six-20 film camera from a family member. With much curiosity I went out and bought some 620 TMAX film and decided to shoot with the camera and see if it still works. And much to my surprise after I had developed the film in the schools’ photo lab, that it worked. But not only did it just work, it worked better than any of us would have thought. After shooting and developing film again, I have resparked a love for film again and not only do I plan to shoot with the Brownie more, I recently obtained a Cannon SLR film camera as well. But what was most surprising about the Brownie photos, is when I took an identical photo with my Nikon D50 DSLR camera and put them side by side. Then you can see the benefits of the DSLR cameras vs the older film cameras