Sunday, November 11, 2018

Graffiti (Series 2)

Graffit(Series 2)

Once again my love for the art of graffiti makes an appearance.  A few weeks back during an unrelated assignment on “the decisive moment” I went to a few different places in New York City. As we have all seen the city is my most favorite place in the world.... so far. Upon my travels I decided to head towards little Italy and China Town. On my way while traveling down Canal St. I saw graffiti on many of the buildings and had to shoot a second series. Later on that day I decided to head to DUMBO, Brooklyn and shoot from the Manhattan Bridge since I never been up there and low and behold I had found a graffiti paradise. 

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! Such great colors. Anyone can take photos of graffiti, but you really know how to make an interesting composition.
